

Communicable diseases

  1. Titik Nuryastuti, dr., MKes., PhD., SpMK (Google Scholar)
  2. Vitri Widyaningsih. Dr., MPH., PhD (Orchid ID:
  3. dr. Bachti Alisjahbana, SpPD (KPTI), PhD (Google Scholar)
  4. Dr. dr. Ida Safitri, SpA (K) (Google Scholar)

Non-communicable disease

  1. Prof. Nawi Ng (Gothenburg University, Sweden) (Google Scholar)
  2. Dr. dr. Koentjoro Harimurti, SpPD, M.Epid
  3. Prof. Dr. dr. Handono Kalim, SpPD, (KR)


  1. dr. Aria Kekalih
    Community Medicine Department Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
    Google Scholar
  2. dr. Lutfan Lazuardi, PhD
    Gadjah Mada University
    Google Scholar
  3. UNUD

 Maternal perinatal

  1. Prof. Detty Nurdiati SpOG(K), PhD
    Lecturer of Obstetric & Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada
    Google Scholar
  2. UNUD
  3. UNRI
  4. dr. Dyahris SpA(K)
    Brwaijaya University
    Google Scholar


  1. Dr Siti Rizaldi,SpTHT (K)
  2. Dr Anggi Ranakusumah,SpTHT (K)

 Infection control & hospital epidemiology

  1. Prof. Dr. dr. Kuntaman, SpMK (K)

Community and Public Health

  1. Dr dr Tita Hariyanti MKes
  2. Dr dr Tita Hariyanti MKes